Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 0003: There's no Place like Home

My current address is my twentieth. It took a long time to get to here and I hope we're settled for a bit. There may be one more move left in us,  but I'll not be looking forward to it. The packing, the know how it is. But that's not happening anytime soon, thank goodness!
Just over fourteen years ago, my family moved cross-country from Cape Cod to Arizona. I don't know how the other three think about it, but I feel like I finally found my "home." And that doesn't have to do with this house, it has to do with a sense of place, a feeling of belonging, a centeredness, a certain calm.
And I found that when I crossed into Arizona.

I love that flag, it's beautiful, bright and colorful. The blue is for our blue skies, the thirteen stripes for the original American colonies, the yellow for sunshine and the copper star for the industry that made this state. "They" say that Arizona is about the five "Cs"--cattle, climate, cotton, copper and citrus--and we still have all of them in abundance.
Coming from back East, I was amused last year when Arizona celebrated it's centennial.Think Plymouth Rock,or St Augustine, which last week celebrated 450 years! While Arizona has been inhabited for millennia (and a discussion for a different week..), to acknowledge statehood of only 100 years seems preposterous!
Where do you feel most at home? Do you think it's where you are, someplace you've been before or an address yet to be named?